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Writer's pictureNatasha Schmarr


Happy Thursday Everyone! Today is a miserable day outside so I took the boys out for a drive and have come home put Hudson down for his nap and engaging in some sensory play with Cruz. Having this Ikea table has been AMAZING as it doubles as storage a desk and tubs for sensory play! Today on one side I have the "Bug Hunt" sensory kit form the beautiful Anna from @thenotsoperfectmum and on the other side I have attempted my own. My son Cruz is absolutely OBSESSED with Mickey Mouse so I thought I would chuck a bunch of stuff together and see how it went. I had a lot of bits and pieces left over form his 2nd birthday party. Unlike Annas one, mine doesn't make a whole lot of sense and is slightly overcrowded but I just grabbed anything yellow, red and black, and went with it! The Mickey Mouse figurines were a score! I found them on sale from @toysrus. Sensory play is incredible and so important as it improves brain development, supports language development, cognitive growth, problem solving skills, fine and gross motor skills, and social skills! If you want to learn more about it or order some sensory kits for your kids (especially during this crazy time) check out her page and there is a link to her shop! #entertaininginisolation #thenotsoperfectmum #sensoryplay #mickeymouseobsessed #problemsolving #fineandgrossmotorskills

Tash x


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